PR Connection
credit to jigdirect
Used for connecting braided line to the leader. This is a streamlined connection perfect for jigging and popper casting. It is very strong, I have never seen or heard of this connection breaking so I recommend it. It takes a few minutes to tie but practise makes perfect.
these are the basic tools needed for the PR connection - braid scissors, lighter and PR bobbin and holder.
the PR bobbin has a steel pin which serves as an additional weight. Insert the pin into the bobbin if you are splicing (serving) braid 50lb and above. Wrap a little duct tape around the bobbin to help hold the braid end.
I've used 80lb colored braid and 200lb leader so the connection can easily be seen.
thread the end of the braid throught the bobbin holder, wrap it around the bobbin for 10 -12 turns then wrap it around the bobbin arm 4 - 6 turns. Hold the braid tag together with the leader tag, wrap them together around your fingers to secure.
begin by making spirals for about 10cms. You are winding away from the leader tag end.
spiral wrap for 10cm, then spin (serve) tight wraps for 1cm.
now reverse the direction and spin tight close wraps. Allow the tip of the holder to contact the leader, this ensures tight wraps. If the line comes out too freely, the tip will not contact the leader as there is not enough tension. Add more tension with another 1 or 2 turns around the bobbin arm. You are wrapping back towards the leader tag end.
continue spinning tight wraps along the leader.
spin tight wraps for 7 - 10cm
this is how the tight wraps look
with the other hand, remove braid from the bobbin and holder.
with the other hand, remove braid from the bobbin and holder.
while still pinching down, tie a half hitch to lock in the last wrap.
continue to add half hitches taking care to alternate the direction of each half hitch, this serves to lock each half hitch in place. After about 1cm of half hitches cut the leader leaving a 3 - 4 mm tag.
use a lighter with a small flame to ball the tag end. This is a most critical procedure as the flame will easily damage the braid so protect the braid with your finger tips and finger nails.
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